Grooming needs change with the seasons, and adjusting your pet’s routine accordingly can help keep them comfortable no matter the weather. In summer, pets with thick coats may struggle with the heat, but it’s important not to shave their fur too short, as it acts as insulation against both heat and sunburn. Brushing more frequently during warm months can help remove excess hair and reduce shedding, which keeps your pet cooler. Additionally, a summer bath schedule can be slightly more frequent, especially if they enjoy outdoor activities, to help clean off any mud, grass, or debris.
Winter grooming is focused on protecting your pet from cold, damp conditions. Pets with long hair benefit from keeping their coat fuller to maintain warmth, while short-haired pets might need an extra layer, like a pet sweater, on especially chilly days. Brushing is still important in winter to avoid matting, which can trap moisture and lead to skin issues. For pets who get wet or snowy, make sure to dry them off thoroughly after each outing to prevent them from getting chilled.
Keeping up with seasonal grooming also includes trimming nails and cleaning ears regularly. Some pets may develop dry skin during colder months, so consider a pet-safe conditioner or a moisturizing spray to help. By tailoring your grooming habits to each season, you’re ensuring that your pet stays comfortable and protected, whatever the weather brings